Pennine Journey Ultra
Blanchland, Northumberland, England, United Kingdom MaiDistance | Dénivelé |
170 km | 3000 m |
Distance | Dénivelé |
170 km | 3000 m |
A brilliant event on tough ground.
Beautiful scenery (in daylight)
Amazing aid stations and great friendly support throughout.
I’d highly recommend this race, but be prepared…. It’s defo not easy!
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Brilliant organisation and atmosphere, and some seriously tough terrain. Be warned though, the first 3 - 4 checkpoint cut-offs can be a bit tight if you're a "back of the pack" runner. After that though the cut-offs are such that you should get to "enjoy" the scenery a bit more, and around the North Pennines what fantastic scenery there is ... hill, after bloody hill! LOL Race organisers (Greener Miles) and other runners really make this a fantastic ultra. I loved it so much that as soon as I DNF'd I signed back up again. It's a tough yet beautiful circular route. It's probably a blessing that you have to tackle the ~35km section of Hadrian's wall at night - that way you can't see the undulation going on for miles and miles! Then there's the solitude of Blenkinsop Common. Roughly halfway is where I had to throw in the towel, but I had recced part of the 2nd half, where you will find Cross Fell, High Cup Nick, and Cauldron's Snout. I am gutted I missed out on those so it was a no-brainer to sign up again. I would definitely recommend this ultra!